
GilaElectromagnetics.jl is a Julia package that provides a very efficient implementation of the discrete three-dimensional electromagnetic Green function. For a technical description of the implementation, see the associated paper. For a high-level overview of what GilaElectromagnetics does, see the concepts and usage pages. Detailed examples can be found in the examples page. The public API reference is also available.

Use cases

GilaElectromagnetics, or Gila for short, enables fast and precise sub-wavelength electromagnetic simulations. Below are some features Gila provides:

  • Solving Maxwell's equations numerically in vacuum and in matter.
  • Application of the Green's function of the vacuum Maxwell vacuum operator.
  • Solving the scattering problem in non-magnetic materials.
  • GPU accelerated computations with CUDA.jl.


Installation can be done with Julia's package manager:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("GilaElectromagnetics")

Alternatively, in Julia's REPL, a typing ] puts you in "Pkg mode". In this command line package manager, installing GilaElectromagnetics can be done as follows:

(@v1.10) pkg> add GilaElectromagnetics